Monday, November 23, 2009

10 Easy Ways to Make Exercise a Habit

Try these tricks to become one of the fitness faithful

Let's face it: it's not all that difficult to start a fitness routine. After all, most of us have done it more than once.

The trouble, of course, comes with sticking with it. All too often, our initial enthusiasm and energy wanes, we get distracted by other things going on in our lives, or we don't think we're seeing results quickly enough -- and we throw in the towel.

Yet many people do manage to hang in there, and would no sooner skip their regular workout than their morning shower. What's their secret?

A recent study by researcher Diane Klein, PhD, shed some light on the subject. Long-term exercisers (who had been working out for an average of 13 years) were asked to rank what motivated them to keep up with their regimes.

Their answers might surprise you. The exercisers were not as concerned with powerful pecs and awesome abs as they were with feeling good and being healthy.

Here's how the study participants ranked their motivators:
Feelings of well-being
Pep and energy
Enjoyment of the exercise
Making exercise a priority
Sleeping better
Feeling alert
Being relaxed
Weight management

So, once you have your priorities in the right place, how can you become one of the fitness faithful?

WebMD has compiled 10 tips for making fitness a habit in your life. To create the list, we sought the help of Klein, along with long-term fitness buff Roy Stevens and his wife, Wanda, who is transforming her hit-and-miss exercise schedule into an almost-daily habit.

1. Do a variety of activities you enjoy. And remember, there's no rule that says you have to go to a gym or buy equipment.

"We've shifted our perceptions from regimented exercise to physical activity," says Klein, assistant professor of exercise, sports and leisure studies, and director of gerontology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Having a variety of activities -- weight lifting, walking, running, tennis, cycling, aerobics classes -- will ensure that you can do something regardless of the weather or time of day.

2. Commit to another person. "The social aspect of exercise is important for me," says Wanda Stevens, a stay-at-home mom in Austin, Texas. "I'll let myself off, but if I've agreed to walk with a friend after dinner, I won't let them down."

She is six weeks into an exercise program, thanks in part to her husband's support. Roy Stevens, who works as a management consultant, has become her "in-house personal trainer." They work out together every morning, doing a combination of aerobics, strength training, Tae Bo, and stretching. If he's out of town, he gives her a wake-up call, and she takes the dog for a walk.

3. Make exercise a priority. "It has to be a non-negotiable,"

Eating Essentials

Time to make some changes in your diet? Learn all about the food guide pyramid, remarkable vitamins, the best super foods, calorie requirements, and more.

Balancing Act
Climbing to the Top of the Food Pyramid. The new food pyramid gives you the best choices for your busy lifestyle. Learn why getting closer to the guidelines is a good step in the right direction.

Whole Grains: We’re Not Talking Cardboard.  How to select whole-grain foods packed with fiber and vitamins, plus easy ways to fit more whole grains into your diet.

Vegetables: Going Green, Red, and Orange Discover more about vegetables -- from dark green to orange to starchy. Find out how many vegetable servings you and your family need each day.

Fruit: From Apples to Watermelon. Learn all about fruits, how many servings you need daily, and what fruits can do to boost your health.

Meats and Beans: Not Your Mama’s Protein. Discover the different types of protein foods included in the meats and beans group. Find out how much you need daily from this group depending on your age, sex, and physical activity.

Milk, Yogurt and Cheese: Dairy Is Your Friend. Learn about the different types of dairy products that are high in calcium and low in fat. Discover how many servings you and your family need each day.
Oils: The Good and the Bad

Find out if you are eating healthy fats or unhealthy fats. Learn more about healthy oils and how many servings you need daily.

Eating by the New Food Guide Pyramid. Learn all about the different food groups and calorie and portion sizes you and your family need each day.

A. Vitamins
The Facts About Vitamins. From A to zinc, discover all the remarkable vitamins that can boost wellness and help you feel great.
Essential Vitamins for Women at Every Age. Learn more about essential vitamins women need to stay well. Find out if you’re getting all the necessary vitamins for your age and stage of life.

Vitamins and Minerals: Best Food Sources. Discover why whole foods are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, and other key nutrients for good health.

Antioxidants and Your Immune System: Super Foods for Optimal Health Learn about antioxidant powerhouses and how these immune-boosting foods keep you well.

B. Necessary Nutrients
7  Nutrients Your Diet May Be Missing  Is your diet be missing these seven essential nutrients? Find   out now.
10  Everyday Super Foods

Try these 10 super foods that are easy to eat and packed with multiple nutrients to help you stay healthy.

The Wonders of Water. Learn how much water is necessary each day for good health and how many common foods such as apples and yogurt are mostly water.

Good Fat, Bad Fat: The Facts About Omega-3. Discover all about the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids and why these good fats should be added to your daily diet.

C. Mealtime Strategies
Breakfast: The Most Important Meal of the Day. Discover how breakfast can make the difference in learning at school, productivity at work, and how well you stick with your diet.

Brown Bag Lunches That Make the Grade. Bored with brown bag lunches? Learn how to move beyond PB&J, so lunchtime becomes a gourmet feast without a lot of work.

What’s for Dinner? Quick and Easy Option. Want yummy dinners but have no time to cook? Take a few minutes to learn about quick and easy mealtime options.

Tips for Eating at Work. Discover seven tips for eating at work that can improve your desk-dining experience.

Five Nutrients Your Child May Be Missing

Many kids fall short in 5 essential nutrients -- is your child one? America's children are missing out on five essential nutrients critical to their growth and good health. Coming up short are calcium, fiber, magnesium, vitamin E, and potassium, according to the latest "Dietary Guidelines for Americans" from the U.S. government.

Are your kids getting enough of these vital nutrients? Read on to find out which nutrients your child may lack, why, and how to get these five essential nutrients back into your child's diet.
Calcium: A Bone-Building Essential Nutrient

Calcium is best known for optimizing bone growth and contributing to a fracture-free skeleton during childhood and decades later. The majority of calcium is found in bone tissue, but calcium also circulates in the blood stream.

Blood calcium serves a vital role, participating in normal heart rhythm, blood clotting, and muscle function. The body relies on bone calcium to keep blood calcium concentrations up to par.

Getting enough calcium bolsters your child's bones by balancing the withdrawals with deposits from the diet.

A child's daily calcium needs vary with age, says the Institute of Medicine, the group of experts that set nutrient quotas.
1- through 3-year-olds need 500 milligrams
4- through 8-year-olds need 800 milligrams
9- to 19-year-olds need 1,300 milligrams

(For reference, 8 ounces of milk serves up 300 milligrams of calcium.)

Many American children, especially teens, are way off the mark when it comes to calcium intake.

"Soft drinks, such as soda and fruit beverages, have infiltrated kids' diets, causing milk to take a back seat," says Jodie Shield, MEd, RD, co-author of the American Dietetic Association's Guide to Healthy Eating for Kids, and mother of three.

What's worse, calcium needs increase dramatically at a time in life when kids, especially girls, get far less than the suggested amount. One study found adolescent girls averaged 814 milligrams a day vs. the recommended 1,300.

Experts say that calcium gap is significant. Females run a greater risk for osteoporosis, the brittle bone disease that shows up as bone fractures, sometimes decades down the road.

"Just before the teen years, and all throughout adolescence, children must get enough calcium to provide the foundation for strong bones," says Shield. "During this time, the body lays down nearly half of all the bone mass it will ever have."

Increasing Calcium: Shield suggests offering children low-fat or flavored milks instead of other beverages that offer little more than calories. Including dairy at every meal also insures that children meet their calcium goals.

Eight ounces of any type of milk (including lactose-free); 8 ounces of yogurt; and 1.5 ounces of hard cheese, such as cheddar, each contain about the same amount of calcium. As a bonus, milk and certain yogurts are fortified with vitamin D, necessary for calcium to do its job.

Orange juice with added calcium and vitamin D is another calcium-rich, but dairy-free, option; added vitamin D makes it all the better. Children who don't consume enough dairy or fortified choices may need a calcium supplement.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Weight Loss Tips

by Justin Leonard
What is the best way to burn fat? The fat burning process can be very simple as long as the proper dieting and training techniques are applied. Keep in mind, everyone has a different body type. Techniques or methods that work for others may not work for you. This next segment will briefly describe some of the insider tips needed to begin the fat burning process.

The first and best way to burn fat is to modify your current diet. There are three simple ways you can begin to modify: reduce calories, reduce sodium, and reduce fat. For example, by substituting a glass of water for a carbonated beverage, you can cut approximately 150 calories or more, depending on how much is consumed. Even if it were fruit juice instead of water, you would still reduce calories by approximately 50 - 100.

Excess sodium and sodium seasonings combined with fat can cause water retention. For males, it is most noticeable in the abdominal area. The thighs, hips, and buttocks are affected on females. But what causes these unwanted gains in weight and bodyfat? There are three possible reasons this can happen: (1) Eat late at night (2) Exceed your normal caloric intake (3) Lack of exercise or physical activity.

Bottom line: If you break one of these rules, you will store body fat. The body's metabolism basically goes into shutdown mode when you become inactive. This inactivity causes calories to build up and ultimately produce excess and unwanted bodyfat. When calories exceed normal levels, the "unused" surplus becomes bodyfat. Lack of exercise limits metabolism speed. The metabolism must reach a certain speed in order to burn fat.

What is the best way to speed up the metabolism? The best way to speed up your metabolism is through cardiovascular (using the heart) exercise. Weight training is perfectly fine, but isn't needed to burn fat. It is best to do cardio on an empty stomach. Here's why:

Overnight during sleep, calories (mostly complex carbohydrates) are burned slowly. By morning, blood sugar and carb levels low. This empty stomach training forces the body to look for an alternate energy source. If carbs and blood sugar levels are low, the body moves to its alternate source of energy which is fat.

The second best way to speed up the metabolism is by increasing meal frequency. Instead of eating 2 - 3 meals per day, try eating 4 - 5 small meals per day, or 3 meals and 2 healthy snack meals. Food substitutions can help tremendously when trying to reduce calories and speed up the metabolism.

Below is a list of sample ideas for substituting. The following examples can cut daily caloric intake in half in some cases. The whole idea behind food substitutions is to enjoy what you like to eat, only in a healthier (fat burning) way.

Bagel                                      English Muffin                          up to 40
Candy Bar                               Twinkie                                     up to 80
Margarine                                Real Butter                              up to 60 (tablespoon)
2 Slices Pizza                          6" Sub Sandwich                      up to 160
Fried Chicken                          Grilled/Baked Chicken  up to  80
Peanuts                                    Light Popcorn                          up to 80

More weight loss tips:

Tip 1: Drink Herbal Tea

When urges for sweets and snacks arrive, try drinking herbal teas such as apple-cinnamon, almond, or orange. The preparation of tea alone actually helps to take your mind off of junk food. The heat from the tea fills you up, and the aroma helps to satisfy your cravings.

Tip 2: Limit High Carbohydrate Foods

To maximize the fat-burning process, it's best to gradually eliminate carbohydrates toward the end of the day. This minimizes your chances of storing fat late at night.

Tip 3: Don't Drink Alcohol

Alcohol contains too many empty calories which ultimately produce nothing but fat.

Tip 4: Motivate Yourself

Try to find an incentive for getting in shape and burning fat. Write down your goal and put it in a location you see everyday, such as your refrigerator. Motivation really keeps you going!

Tip 5: Use Low-Calorie Food Alternatives

Try to save as many calories as you can. Substitute water for soda, baked chicken for fried chicken, sub sandwiches for pizza, etc.

Tip 6: Don't Starve Yourself

Starving only promotes a bigger "rebound" effect because your body likes to hold on from what it is deprived of. Instead, fuel the body every 2 to 3 hours with small meals.

Tip 7: Drink 1 or More Glasses of Water Before Meals

This is to help fill the stomach and give you a full feeling. It works!

Tip 8: Be Consistent

No weight loss tips will work if you don't give them a chance. It may take a while to see results. Hang in there! Consistency is the key to effectiveness.

Tip 9: Don't Use the Scale

Scales can be misleading. For example, if you're losing bodyfat and bodyweight but gaining muscle, the scale won't necessarily reflect the difference between the two. Instead, monitor the inches you lose. Inches never lie!

Fat Burning Tip

Sometimes certain moments in our lives leave an unforgettable impression. About 5 years ago, I was up late on a weekend night and watching TV. An infomercial was promoting an exercise machine that could help you achieve your weight-loss goals in 6 minutes a day. Six minutes a day...yeah, right! That infomercial got me thinking about how many people buy into fat loss myths. On the part of the consumer, this has to do with a lack of knowledge and hope for the magical workout and the magical diet. Neither of which exist.
With our meal delivery plans (rated #1 by!), you can slim down without having to cook, count calories or even do dishes! Click for info!

It's not the lack of knowledge on the part of the consumer that bothers me. What bothers me is that there are companies that simply want to prey on your lack of knowledge and your emotional desperation. If you don't know the truth and you're looking for a quick fix, chances are you can be sold just about anything.
The fitness industry is a great place with a lot of knowledgeable people. However, it has its dark side just as any market does. So be cautious about anything that promises a quick fix in just minutes a day.
If you ever see a quick fix promise, always go back to the fundamentals. Fundamentals will never let you down, and they will never lie to you or mislead you.
Today we return to the fundamentals of fat loss. These are the points that always work and never try to sell you a false hope or a false expectation.
There are eight points to consider when attempting to burn body fat.
1. Control Blood Sugar: There is an old saying that fat loss success is 80-percent nutrition. Frankly, I'm not sure what the percentage actually is (no one does). However, based on my experience it's clear to me that it all begins with nutrition. If you don't have your nutrition program "dialed in," you will not achieve success. It doesn't matter how hard or how long you workout. This applies to everyone who starts a diet and fitness program.

Your goal should be to control blood sugar. Controlling blood sugar levels helps to shed fat. This is accomplished by taking in some protein, carbohydrates and good fats spread evenly through the day every two to three hours and by not over eating.
A sample meal schedule might look something like this:

6:30 Breakfast
9:30 Snack
12:30 Lunch
3:30 Snack
6:00 Dinner
9:00 Small Snack

This method will have a profound impact on fat loss. However, don't forget that calories must still be slightly below maintenance.

Friday, November 13, 2009

4 Basic Skin Care Needs

"I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. What do you want? An adorable pancreas?" -- Jean Kerr, American author and playwright
There's tried-and-true ways to properly care for your skin, from the right way to cleanse your face, to the best moisturizers and sunscreens.
Before we start with the proper daily 4-step skincare routine, you'll need to know your skin type. How you care for your skin is utterly dependent on the type of skin you have: oily, normal/combination, dry, sensitive or sun- damaged. Find out what skin type you have.
The Basic 4-Step Skincare Regimen Step 1: Cleansing
Simple is key here. You need to find a good cleanser that your skin responds well to, and stick with it. See the best cleansers for your skin type.
You can find a good cleanser at the drugstore. There's no need to spend $40 on a fancy wash. Avoid bar soaps as they tend to dry out the skin. According to Rona Berg, in her book, "Beauty," a French cosmetics executive once told her, "Soap should only ever touch your skin from the neck down." We agree. Choose a creamy cleanser if you have dry skin or a clear cleanser if you have oily skin.

Be careful not to cleanse too often. Washing at night should do you. If you have dry skin, consider cold cream like Pond's, which the French use. Simply apply cream, then wipe off, no water needed (if you have hard water it can be especially harsh on skin). Most women prefer the water method: Use warm water to loosen dirt and clogged pores. Use a dime-sized bit of cleanser, then rinse with cool or lukewarm water. You'll also want to take off your makeup with a proper makeup remover.
In the morning, a splash of lukewarm water is all you need (we find it's great for removing excess oils from your nightly moisturizing). Never wash your face with hot or cold water (both can cause broken capillaries). Also be careful about overcleansing skin, see signs you are overcleansing your skin.
Step 2: Exfoliate
Exfoliation is the step most people skip in their weekly skincare routine. But trust me, if you start properly exfoliating your skin, you will notice an almost immediate difference. According to Berg, one of the reasons men's skin looks more youthful than women's is because men tend to exfoliate daily when they shave. There are several ways to exfoliate skin: Microdermabrasion, chemical peels and retinoids.

Scrubs work by removing the top layer of dead skin cells that tend to dull your complexion. We find exfoliating skin once a week with a microdermabrasion kit keeps skin glowing year-round. Make sure you use a gentle scrub with tiny grains. Big grains in cheap scrubs can tear skin and cause more harm than good. My favorite microdermabrasion kit is made by Lancome.

In the hour it takes to get a chemical peel, you can take off five years from your face. Can't afford the price tag for a monthly peel? Try some over-the-counter peels that work over the course of a month. I prefer MD Skincare's.

Retinoids (such as Retin-A or the more moisturizing Renova) also work by removing the top layer of dead skin cells while also generating collagen in the skin. "Collagen is the skin's structural fiber," dermatologist Dennis Gross said in O Magazine. "As we get older, it breaks down, creating lines and large pores." Skincare experts disagree on all sorts of things, but most of them consider retinoids to be a miracle skin saver. I'm addicted to Retin-A, which I pick up in Mexico on my yearly jaunts.

Should you use a toner? Some people swear by toners, but many beauty experts do not (I once read a skincare expert claim, "toners are only for copy machines"). Toners are meant to remove all remaining traces of oil, makeup and dirt, but a good cleanser should do this. I firmly believe it's up to you. If you like the way your skin feels with a toner. Buy it. Use it. Enjoy it.
Step 3: Moisturize
While I know of at least one famous beauty editor who swore skin doesn't need moisturizer, basically everyone else I've read disagrees and is an adamant believer in it. A basic law of beauty is that everyone, no matter her skin type, should moisturize. Even if your skin is oily, it will benefit from moisturizers. (The only exception is those with acne). Why? Moisturizers seal moisture into skin (Berg calls this the "Saran Wrap effect"). So how much should you moisturize? Your skin will tell you. When your skin is tight, it's crying out for moisture. Be careful not to over moisturize -- this can clog pores.

See my list of the best moisturizers on the market.

Are eye creams necessary? Well maybe. Some beauty experts strongly recommend eye creams. Why? The skin around the eye contains no fatty tissue and is therefore very thin and susceptible to wrinkles. Special eye creams are formulated to "thicken" this area. Yet other experts (including the beauty editors of Allure in their new book) claim your daily lotion works around the eyes just as well.

Step 4: Apply Sunscreen

O Magazine ran an article featuring interviews with several top skin care experts and dermatologists (check it out here). Every single one of them said sunscreen was the most important part of your skincare regimen. It was the secret they would pass on to their daughters.

The number-1 cause of wrinkles is sun damage, so it's important to use sunscreen from your early years on even in winter and on cloudy days. A great trick is to purchase two moisturizers: One for night and one for day that includes UV protection. Don't use moisturizers with sunscreen at night, the ingredients are not meant to be used 27/7 and can aggravate skin. When choosing a sunscreen, make sure it contains Mexoryl (found in my favorite sunscreen La-Roche Posay) or Helioplex, found in Neutrogena products.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Healhy In and out (What is Spiritually healthy?)

Spiritualism is a monotheistic belief system or religion, postulating a belief in God, but the distinguishing feature is belief that spirits of the dead can be contacted, either by individuals or by gifted or trained "mediums", who can provide information about the afterlife.[1]

Spiritualism developed in the United States and reached its peak growth in membership from the 1840s to the 1920s, especially in English-language countries,[2][3] By 1897, it was said to have more than eight million followers in the United States and Europe,[4] mostly drawn from the middle and upper classes, while the corresponding movement in Latin speaking countries is known as Spiritism.

The religion flourished for a half century without canonical texts or formal organization, attaining cohesion by periodicals, tours by trance lecturers, camp meetings, and the missionary activities of accomplished mediums. Many prominent Spiritualists were women. Most followers supported causes such as the abolition of slavery and women's suffrage.[2] By the late 1880s, credibility of the informal movement weakened, due to accusations of fraud among mediums, and formal Spiritualist organizations began to appear.[2] Spiritualism is currently practiced primarily through various denominational Spiritualist Churches in the United States and United Kingdom.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

How to Meditate

With the hectic pace and demands of modern life, many people feel stressed and over-worked. It often feels like there is just not enough time in the day to get everything done. Our stress and tiredness make us unhappy, impatient and frustrated. It can even affect our health. We are often so busy we feel there is no time to stop and meditate! But meditation actually gives you more time by making your mind calmer and more focused. A simple ten or fifteen minute breathing meditation as explained below can help you to overcome your stress and find some inner peace and balance.

Meditation can also help us to understand our own mind. We can learn how to transform our mind from negative to positive, from disturbed to peaceful, from unhappy to happy. Overcoming negative minds and cultivating constructive thoughts is the purpose of the transforming meditations found in the Buddhist tradition. This is a profound spiritual practice you can enjoy throughout the day, not just while seated in meditation.

On this website you can learn the basics of Buddhist meditation. A few books are mentioned that will help you to deepen your understanding if you wish to explore further. Anyone can benefit from the meditations given here, Buddhist or not. We hope that you find this website useful and that you learn to enjoy the inner peace that comes from meditation.

What is "yoga" ?

The word yoga means "union" in Sanskrit, the language of ancient India where yoga originated. We can think of the union occurring between the mind, body and spirit.

What is commonly referred to as "yoga" can be more accurately described by the Sanskrit word asana, which refers to the practice of physical postures or poses.

Asana is only one of the eight "limbs" of yoga, the majority of which are more concerned with mental and spiritual well being than physical activity. In the West, however, the words asana and yoga are often used interchangeably.

Read more:

Yoga Poses

Many people think that yoga is just stretching. But while stretching is certainly involved, yoga is really about creating balance in the body through developing both strength and flexibility. This is done through the performance of poses or postures, each of which has specific physical benefits. The poses can be done quickly in succession, creating heat in the body through movement (vinyasa-style yoga) or more slowly to increase stamina and perfect the alignment of the pose. The poses are a constant, but the approach to them varies depending on the tradition in which the teacher has trained.

Be Insured for Your Health

When people are young and healthy, they can live for the now, enjoying life as it comes, thinking only of tomorrow when it's unavoidable. This is the mayfly time when the young and beautiful fly free of responsibility. Sadly, this time is all too short. Gravity soon catches up with people and they fall back down to the ground and see new roles developing as parents. Suddenly, health matters and what was put off must now be considered. So most people go online, use one of the search engines and find the cheapest policy going. That will do. It's a policy. It will do the job. Then the renewal date comes around and there's no need to review and reconsider. There's a policy. That will do. Except not everyone is organized. Not every remembers their partner's birthday. Not everyone remembers the renewal dates on their insurance policies. Most of the time, people get away with it. They get around to it before anything happens. But failure to renew can be life-threatening. What makes it worse is that it need not be your life that's threatened. Suppose it's the life of your child.

Let's start again. People should take responsibility for their lives and plan for tomorrow. Although it's all right to shelter under your parent's health plan whilst you're young, there comes a point when you have to begin to establish your own track record. Paying your own way when you have the means is the right thing to do. But that does not mean simply accepting the cheapest policy. As with everything in life, you get what you pay for. The basic cover fails when you have more than a basic illness. So read the policies before you choose which one to buy. This is more than looking down a list of diseases and disorders. Think about what you really need. If you fall seriously ill, you need treatment and income replacement if you cannot work. You also need continuity of cover. It's no good waiting to find out whether your policy is going to renewed or the premium hiked. This is something you should think about when you take out your first health insurance policy or renew whilst still healthy.

Health insurance is something you should try to get right. Never look at a list of diseases covered without also looking at the exclusions and exceptions that might deny you cover. Yes, there may be a lot to read and the language is not designed to make it easy. But taking the time early on saves a lot of pain later. There is also one other very important warning. Always be honest and complete in your disclosures. If you have some medical problems, disclose them. If the insurer finds out you have been economical with the truth, it has the right to cancel the cover. That covers all the main points. We remind you that you may have the right to claim tax relief on the premiums. That should be the bonus after you have put the right policy with the right health coverage at the right price in place to protect you and your family.

Friday, November 6, 2009

3 Simple Steps to Younger Looking Skin for Men and Women

Revitol Complete is a cutting edge solution which can help you look younger and more beautiful by reducing the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and other effects of aging.This revolutionary anti aging cream utilizes the most advanced ingredients available today. The active ingredients not only help to firm, hydrate, and tighten facial skin but also help to reduce the appearance of fines lines

  1. Revitalize your skin and reduce the signs of aging

  2. Significantly diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

  3. Smooth rough skin texture for ultimate skin care

  4. Clear darkening under the eyes

  5. Stimulate the renewal of skin cells

  6. Promotes elasticity of skin

  7. Hydrate Skin Dryness

  8. Promotes healthy even skin tone

To achieve these results Revitol uses patented ingredients that have produced results unseen in the cosmetic industry. Together with our proprietary blend of the industry's best anti-aging ingredients our product targets major problem areas like sagging skin, eneven skin tone, dryness and rough skin; not just wrinkles. Customers see results Quickly!

Why Choose the Revitol Complete Anti Wrinkle Solution?

Revitol offers fast results targeting wrinkles, crows feet around the eyes, and other signs of aging. Revitol can help you appear younger with a radiant complexion. The isolates in Revitol Complete can dramatically decrease the appearance of wrinkles and revitalize your skin in addition to increasing collagen and elastin for men and women. Many customers report that it is more effective than Retinol and Vitamin C creams in reducing the appearance of aging and the appearance of wrinkles. When comparing your options for anti-wrinkle creams Revitol clearly comes out on top. There are a number of creams on the market which can cost upwards of hundreds of dollars but few offer the effectiveness and value that Revitol provides. This product is a powerful product which is safe and effective for men and women.

More importantly the continual use of Revitol Complete can gradually rejuvenate the tone and texture of your skin to leave you long lasting effects. If you're still not convinced, try it for 90 days, risk free!* That's right Revitol Complete is covered by a 90 day no hassle guarantee. If you are not happy for any reason whatsoever then simply return your unopened bottles within 90 days for a refund.

The Choice is Clear

Finding an anti wrinkle solution that works for you is a long and tiring process. You're faced with offerings from hundreds of companies using a variety of unproven components that promise to leave your face as smooth as it was in your youth. Most men and women want to look younger and reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles, and restore their skin to its younger days. As a result a great deal of creams and various other skin treatments have been created to solve this ever-present problem but few of these treatments are effective and safe. Your search for the right skin-care treatment ends here. Revitol combines the most effective anti aging skin care ingredients with a new revolutionary component in a blend that will really leave your skin feeling young and smooth.

For further information, visit revolutionary-anti-aging-solution

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Acne Cleansers

Acne Cleansers

Acne cleansers are generally used to remove accumulated oil, make-up, sweat, and dirt on the surface of your skin. In doing so, these products generally make it easier for topical acne treatments to be absorbed. However, excessive use of acne cleansers can also lead to irritated dry skin. Most acne patients will only need to cleanse with such products once to twice daily.

Examples Of These Cleansers Include:

Salicylic acid cleansers:

These break down keratin in the blackheads, and can be used for mild acne.


ACNEX® (Dermteck)

SALAC® (Medicis)

CLEARASIL® (Procter & Gamble)

FOSTEX® (Bristol-Myers Squibb)

NOXZEMA® (Procter & Gamble)

AVEENO® BAR (SC Johnson)

Benzoyl peroxide cleansers:

Breaks down keratin in blackheads, and has antibacterial effects.


BENZAC-W® wash - (Galderma)

CLEARASIL® - (Procter & Gamble)

CLEAN & CLEAR® - (Johnson & Johnson)

Antibacterial cleansers:


Cleansers For Various Skin Types

Oily Skin:

The selection of cleansers for oily skin should involve using products that rinse off well, both bar soaps and liquid cleansers have been formulated for this purpose. Many of the soap gels and stronger liquid cleansers are helpful for oily skin. Because the skin on the face, chest, and back is oilier than the rest of the body, it may be necessary to use one product on these areas, and a more moisturizing product on the arms, legs, hands, and feet. Many of the cleansers which are appropriate for acne-prone skin, would be suitable for oily skin.

Dry Skin:

The use of hard-milled face soaps and gentle synthetic detergents are very appropriate for dry skin. It may be necessary to only use cleansers on the face and body folds, when the ambient humidity is low (e.g in the winter or in the south-western United States). There are many liquid cleansers formulated by cosmetic houses, as well as products like Spectro Jel, Spectro Derm, Cetaphil or Aquanil which are very useful. There are some new products, which incorporate a liquid cleanser in a cleansing sheet, these act to leave on a modicum of petrolatum after the final rinse, and have been demonstrated to be effective.

Click here to visit and learn about how Mild Cleansers work, who should use them, and how and when to use them.

Normal Skin:

Most people can cleanse with bar soap daily. The synthetic detergent soaps react better with hard water. Liquid cleansers and soap gels are popular at this time, the advantages, being cleaner dispensers in the bathroom. The cleansing sheets may be used for normal skin as well, the petrolatum is suspended in the water by crystals that dissolve in the last rinse leaving the skin feeling smooth and moist. People with normal skin may enjoy using a loofah-type sponge to clean themselves, these have been sold with some liquid cleansers.

Sensitive Skin:

People with sensitive skin can react easily to fragrance and preservatives, and should avoid mechanical cleansers such as cleansing grains, brushes, and loofahs. Most synthetic detergents have the pH balanced favorably for the skin and are well tolerated by sensitive persons. A few liquid cleansers are not irritating, but many interact with the skin because of their additional surfactants. Two non-irritating cleansers are Cetaphil and Aquanil lotions, many of the hard-milled soaps are well tolerated also.

Antibacterial Cleansers:

These products were introduced in the 1960' s and have been used by many people since. They initially contained photosensitizers, which have since been removed. Triclosan is currently the most common active ingredient. For persons in occupations, which demand extra precautions, these products have been helpful. However, for many dermatologists, these products are very drying to the skin, and they often contribute to hand and body eczema. Various antibacterial cleansers are available that are of benefit to acne patients, such as Tersaseptic.

Mild Cleansers

Different gentle skin cleansers are available for acne, there are several types of mild cleansers that you may use if your skin is irritated or aggravated. There are also several types of specific acne cleansers that you can use for daily skin care, oil-free and non-comedogenic products are usually advisable.

Over cleansing the skin can cause irritation and may aggravate your skin condition, as well as encourage you to use other products that will grease up your skin. This may then complicate your skin care. You may need to use a toner to remove the oil, which in turn may irritate your skin further.

Cleansers Can Be Grouped As:

Wipe-off cleansers (cold creams and makeup removers)


Water soluble cleansers - these are the most gentle

Water-Soluble Cleansers (Soap Substitutes):

These should be non-irritating, non-greasy, unscented, and able to remove some excess skin oils as well as cosmetics.


Spectro Jel™

Spectro Derm™

Cetaphil® cleanser

Dormer® cleanser



Dove®, by Unilever

Skin Moisturizers: An Overview

The water content of the skin varies but for the epidermis it is approximately 80%, this is the same water content as in other cells. The very surface of the skin, the stratum corneum, is made up of dead skin cells and this layer is much drier, with the water content varying between 10-30%.

The stratum corneum, when it is dry, will tend to lose its luster and produce what we know as dry skin. In normal circumstances there will be movement of water from the dermis up through the more superficial layers of the skin, the water then in turn will evaporate. Skin that has low water content will dry and fissure, this makes it more prone to both bacterial and fungal infection.

Moisturizers are designed to reduce water loss from the epidermis. These do not reverse sun damage but they do prevent further dryness. They also can protect the barrier to soot and dirt and there is a temporary feeling of smoothness when these are used. The skin may swell slightly and cause some loss of fine wrinkles. The pores may appear to be smaller because of this swelling. Moisturizing is not required for those with oily skin.

Not every skin will be dry, there is the occlusive layer that waterproofs the skin. This is called the stratum corneum. This is essentially a fat protein sandwich, sebum that is secreted from the oil glands will also have a moisturizing effect on the skin. Moisturizers are essentially a combination of occlusive and humectants. There are a number of different skin types that require different skin care.

Dry Skin:

Dry skin is more commonly seen in lighter coloured individuals. Moisturizing should be applied to the skin after washing. It should be used when the weather is cold, small amounts of moisturizer should be applied, and it is best to have multiple applications rather than using an excessive amount at one time.

Moisturizing Of The Hands:

Moisturizers that are best used for the hands will have an oil-based silicone. This is a water repellent. It also will not allow the normal fats of the surface of the skin to be washed away. These products protect the skin even after washing the hands.

Skin / Face Cleansers

Skin Cleansers - An Overview On Soap

Soaps are essentially made of salts of fatty acids. The most commonly used fats come from animal and vegetable sources and include stearic acid, palmitic, oleic, as well as lauric. Soap particles will coat the fat droplets in which dirt is embedded and then will allow these to be removed by water.

Cleansing of the skin helps the skin to maintain a healthy, attractive looking, surface. It removes dust, perspiration, and some of the breakdown products of sebum. Makeup can also be removed.

Mild Cleansers

Different gentle skin cleansers are available for acne, there are several types of mild cleansers that you may use if your skin is irritated or aggravated. There are also several types of specific acne cleansers that you can use for daily skin care, oil-free and non-comedogenic products are usually advisable.

Over cleansing the skin can cause irritation and may aggravate your skin condition, as well as encourage you to use other products that will grease up your skin. This may then complicate your skin care. You may need to use...

Cleansers For Various Skin Types

Oily skin: The selection of cleansers for oily skin should involve using products that rinse off well, both bar soaps and liquid cleansers have been formulated for this purpose. Many of the soap gels and stronger liquid cleansers are helpful for oily skin.

Dry Skin: The use of hard-milled face soaps and gentle synthetic detergents are very appropriate for dry skin. It may be necessary to only use cleansers on the face and body folds, when the ambient humidity is low (e.g in the winter or in the south-western United States).

Normal skin: Most people can cleanse with bar soap daily. The synthetic detergent soaps react better with hard water. Liquid cleansers and soap gels are popular at this time, the advantages, being cleaner dispensers in the bathroom. The cleansing sheets may be used for normal skin as well...

Acne Cleansers

Acne cleansers (Salicylic acid cleansers, Benzoyl peroxide cleansers, Antibacterial cleansers)are generally used to remove accumulated oil, make-up, sweat, and dirt on the surface of your skin. In doing so, these products generally make it easier for topical acne treatments to be absorbed. However, excessive use of acne cleansers can also lead to irritated dry skin. Most acne patients will only need to cleanse with such products once to twice daily. be absorbed.

Mild Cleansers

Different gentle skin cleansers are available for acne, there are several types of mild cleansers that you may use if your skin is irritated or aggravated. There are also several types of specific acne cleansers that you can use for daily skin care, oil-free and non-comedogenic products are usually advisable.

Over cleansing the skin can cause irritation and may aggravate your skin condition, as well as encourage you to use other products that will grease up your skin. This may then complicate your skin care. You may need to use a toner to remove the oil, which in turn may irritate your skin further.

Cleansers Can Be Grouped As:

Wipe-off cleansers (cold creams and makeup removers)


Water soluble cleansers - these are the most gentle

Water-Soluble Cleansers (Soap Substitutes):

These should be non-irritating, non-greasy, unscented, and able to remove some excess skin oils as well as cosmetics.


Spectro Jel™

Spectro Derm™

Cetaphil® cleanser

Dormer® cleanser



Dove®, by Unilever

Skin Cleansers - An Overview On Soap

Soaps, as we know them, were first used about 600 BC by the Phoenicians who combined goat fat, water, and potassium carbonate ash to form a solid soap. More recently, in 1878, Harley Procter developed a soap in collaboration with his cousin, James Gamble. They produced a soap by whipping air into a soap solution, this resulted in Ivory Soap, which is still used today.

Cleansing of the skin helps the skin to maintain a healthy, attractive looking, surface. It removes dust, perspiration, and some of the breakdown products of sebum. Makeup can also be removed.

Foreign substances such as dirt will mix with the oil of the skin and become embedded. Water is inadequate to remove this. Soaps will be used to decrease the oil on the surface of the skin removing the dirt at the same time.

Soaps are essentially made of salts of fatty acids. The most commonly used fats come from animal and vegetable sources and include stearic acid, palmitic, oleic, as well as lauric. Soap particles will coat the fat droplets in which dirt is embedded and then will allow these to be removed by water.

Types Of Cleansers:

Bar soaps

Lipid free cleansers

Cleansing creams

Astringents and toners

Abrasive scrubs

Facial masks

Soaps can be irritating to the skin, the removal of the protective fat layer can lead to drying. A high pH of skin can also be irritating. Soaps can also combine with the calcium and magnesium found on the surface of the skin to form fatty acid salts which of themselves become irritating. The skin’s acidity may be affected. The acidity of the skin is important to inhibit bacterial and fungal infections.

1) Bar soaps:

Bar soaps are essentially salts of fatty acids, they are the most commonly used cleansers. They can be irritating, particularly to sensitive skin. A number of components can be added to soaps including the following:


Fragrances & perfumes


Colouring agents

Anti-bacterial compounds


Moisturizers will counteract the drying effect of soaps. The loss of the protective oil layer increases the chances of irritation. This can be counteracted by the use of moisturizing products such as glycerin, vegetable fats, or lanolin. The amount of moisturizer that is incorporated into soap is very small. Individuals who have a tendency to have dry skin should apply specific moisturizers after washing with soap rather than relying on the moisturizing component of soaps. Transparent soaps will have a high glycerin content and this tends to absorb water out of the skin, potentially causing more irritation.


Fragrances are commonly used to conceal the odours of the raw ingredients of soaps. Some individuals will be sensitive and become allergic to these products. Anti-bacterial soaps will contain triclosan or triclocarban. A small residue will remain on the skin, which may inhibit bacteria. These can be useful in inhibiting unpleasant odours such as those found in areas where there are a significant number of apocrine sweat glands. These are found in the armpits and groin.

Mild soaps:

Mild soaps are designed to minimize irritations. They will not have colouring agents or perfumes. These do not tend to cause stinging of the skin or the eyes. Irritation or allergic reactions, while less likely to occur, may still be a problem for small children or for those who have very sensitive skin.

2) Lipid-free cleansers:

These are liquid cleansers that do not contain any fat. They will be applied to the skin and then wiped away or rinsed off with water. Many of these will contain glycerin, cetyl alcohol, sodium or sulphate, and sometimes propylene glycol. They will leave a very fine moisturizing film on the skin. These are particularly effective in removing cosmetics and are useful for individuals who have a tendency towards eczema. These may also be more helpful in older, drier skin.

3) Cleansing creams:

These creams can be used to both wash the skin and to moisturize it, they contain a mixture of mineral oil, petroleum, water, and some waxes. These are known also as cold creams, they are applied to the skin and washed off. They are useful for removing makeup and are usually made of heavy oils. These creams are helpful in removing sebum from the skin. They are gentler than other cleansers, and are recommended for dry skin, but are not that useful for those with oily skin or individuals with acne. Cleansing creams are best not used as moisturizers, as they are likely to cause irritation if left on for some time.

4) Astringents and toners:

These are perfumed or fragranced alcohol-based solutions designed to remove oil from the skin and will produce a tight feeling to the skin. Many multi-stat cleansing regimens will incorporate astringents that are used after a regular bar soap is used, they certainly have some benefit in removing alkaline soaps that tend to stick to the skin. Astringents are available for oily, normal, and dry skin. The high concentration of alcohol certainly removes sebum especially in those with oily skin for example, individuals with acne. They are the products used to control T zone oiliness.

5) Abrasive scrubbers:

These substances cause the rubbing off or exfoliation of the surface of the skin, they are available either as an abrasive sponge, or an abrasive scrub which has small granules within a cream base. These are used to remove skin scales, they work through mechanical means rather than through chemical action. They should be used infrequently, and cannot be tolerated on a daily basis, if used excessively they can cause damage of the stratum corneum, which is the surface of the epidermis producing redness and scaling.

6) Facial masks:

Facial masks are applied to the skin in a thick layer and are left on for 15-30 minutes, they are otherwise known as facials. It is said that these will produce skin tightening as well as deep cleaning of the hair follicles and pores. They may be used as a preventative treatment for acne. These products cleanse and moisturize the skin as well, they have a cleansing action through superficial peeling of the skin. They will leave the skin feeling moisturized, there is a general feeling of well being for some time after this is done, although it is not possible to fundamentally change the skin longterm with these products.

Some masks are applied and rinsed off with water, these are absorbent masks that are made of insoluble powders, clay, and mud, or gel masks that contain substances such as tragacanth. A mask that is peeled off will be vinyl or rubber based, and will harden, and form into a transparent sheet that will have to be removed. Facial masks that are used for acne will absorb oil from the skin, and some of them can be integrated with sulpha and benzoyl peroxide.

Excessive cleansing with a mask can certainly cause irritation and occasionally there may be a secondary infection. Once these masks are removed, moisturizer should be applied to the skin to minimize the superficial peeling that follows.

Say No to Hair Loss

Many women and men are looking for help to cure hair loss. It is a problem affecting one’s social life. Most of us feel that the outer appearance is an important thing to be successful. Hence there is great need for hair loss products..

Hair loss treatments are available in different forms such as medicines, lotions, and shampoos. To choose the drug that is right for you, you first need to figure out the cause of your hair loss. There are many reasons for losing hair: aging, heredity and hormonal imbalance. DHT, Dihydrotestosterone is an important precursor for hair loss. DHT will block the flow of essential nutrient to the hair, which in turn stops healthy hair growth.

Saw Palmetto is a powerful herb that lowers the DHT in the body by 5 alpha-reductase blockades. Saw Palmetto stops hair loss by blocking the cell membrane receptor sites in the hair follicle where DHT might get absorbed.

Another herb called Nettle Root also provides hair loss cure by preventing two enzymes viz., aromatase and 5 alpha-reductase, which makes estrogen and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) respectively. Research confirmed that these two enzymes have been blocked completely by the Nettle Root extract.

A cure of hair loss can also be achieved by choosing the medications that block DHT. Hair Genesis, NuGen, and Revivogen are the most suitable medications to block DHT in the scalp. Out of these three products, Revivogen is the most popular one. It fights against the thinning of hair by minimizing the DHT level in the scalp.

Viviscal, Nisim, Folligen and Tricomin are the commonly available shampoos, scalp lotions and conditioners that help to stop hair loss. Viviscal is used extensively for curing hair loss. It is available in tablet form also. Folligen is available with copper peptides to treat hair loss. Tricomin is available in three forms as spray, shampoo and conditioner. It also contains copper.

Trace minerals such as Zinc and magnesium also help to stop hair loss. Zinc is mainly helpful in fighting against skin problems such as boils, sore throats and acne. In addition to this, Zinc plays a crucial role in cell division.

Though there are so many medicines are available to help treating hair loss, only two medications (Rogaine and Propecia) have been approved by the FDA. Rogaine and Propecia are used by men oll over the world to stop hair loss.

How to Prevent Hair Loss?

A lot of men and women are looking for help to treat hair loss. It is a problem affecting one’s social life. Nearly 90% of the human population care a lot about their look. And in our society people without hair are very often considered not as beautiful or healthy as people with full, healthy looking hair.

Lotions, medicines, and shampoos are available to stop or prevent hair loss. Hair loss products can be purchased at drugstores or pharmacies. Some are only available by prescription. Which hair loss treatment to choose depends on what is causing the hair loss.

Hair loss is cured by medicating individuals that suffer from hair loss caused by aging, heredity and hormonal imbalance. Dihydro testosterone otherwise called as DHT is found to be the main cause of hair loss. Excessive levels of DHT block the hair follicle and thereby provoking hair fall. This effect can be nullified by using DHT inhibitors such as 5-alpha reductase.

The common hair loss cure products available on the market are NuGen Hp, Revivogen, and Hair Genesis. All these drugs help a lot in blocking the DHT in the scalp and help preventing hair loss. Revivogen reduces DHT level in the scalp thereby reduces hair loss and promotes healthy re-growth of hairs.

NuGen Hp is a natural treatment available for hair loss. This product also helps a lot to block DHT in the scalp. By eating protein rich food and protein supplements, hair loss can be stopped or cured. During any remedial measure, it is always recommended to put a person on proper nutrition by ending abnormal eating habits.

Saw palmetto is an active ingredient of Hair Genesis which is very effective in preventing hair loss. Hence it is a natural DHT blocker and helps preventing male hair loss. Saw palmetto is a natural medication available for blocking DHT. There are lots of medications available on the market for preventing hair loss.

Hair loss cure is achieved by using conditioners, shampoo and scalp lotions. The common products that help are Revivogen, Viviscal, Folligen, Tricomin and Nisim. It is known fact that medicationa like Folligen directly supplies the nutrient copper.. Tricomin also contains nutrient copper. This product is available in Tricomin revitalizing shampoo, tricomin Restructuring conditioner, and Tricomin shampoo. It is a known fact that nutrient copper helps healthy growth of hair and prevents hair loss.

Minoxdil hair loss cure is also used to preventing hair loss. This drug is more useful among youngsters. Hair Renew is a product used for hair loss cure. The mode of action for this product is nourishing the hair follicles, cleansing the scalp, and neutralizing the DHT.

Burning Fat without Exercise

Many of us are trying to find ways of losing excessive weight fast and without much efforts. This article provides some helpful tips on how to lose weight without exhausting yourself with exercises. Sometimes people start out over big amounts of weight before setting out losing it. This article's intention is to tell people about the different ways in which they can lose excessive weight. Because all of those, struggling with exorbitant weight, want their lives normal back and are annoyed with staring at their reflection in the mirror and not seeing what they want to see. Essentially burning away fat is very easy. There are a lot of living proofs. You should eat 'poor' food. This suggests you have to stay away from foods with a high saturated fat concentration. This is all because the metabolism: the mechanism of fat burning finds it arduous to withstand saturated fat. You also have to drink warm drinks, not the cold ones. Warm drinks are heating up the body, which assists in losing fat. In this case fat is withdrawn in form of sweat. This procedure is best done with a morning cup of coffee on the account of the fact that the caffeine will as well put the body in condition which burns fat. Also remember to have a cold drink occasionally. Of course, this runs counter the aforesaid, but the body also consumes calories, by calefaction of the cold liquid in the body up to its temperature. This will help you in losing your weight as well. In the last instance, you have to sleep for as long as you are able. This is required because while you are sleeping your body is burning calories all the time because it is in a catabolic state. As a consequence the body begins to panic and is trying to find a source of energy that after all turns out to be the fat. So, as a result, fat is being burned away. You can also take phentermine HCL. It will help you reduce the amount of food you eat. It simply works by helping to free some chemicals concentrated in the brain which control your appetite. So, this should also help losing fat. In case you hold onto this you must lose weight at a constant rate

Three factors preventing you from fat loss

Loosing excessive weight and fat is a very good choice for your health but sometimes it doesn't go as easy as you want to. Here are some reasons you don't get that effectiveness in losing weight you need. This is an article for those who are having a struggle losing weight. If you are following diet rules but you cannot seem to get any thinner or if your scale is making you mad day by day showing you some crazy numbers you don't want to see - consider one more fact - you might me eating more calories than you are burning. There are three rules to follow in order to lose some weight and become the body you want to be. 1. Weight loss routines: Dreaming can get us anywhere. Unfortunately it isn't so, at least when we talk about burning calories. Let's take a look at one example: Let's say you are a woman that is over 35, short and not very active. Obviously if you aren't moving much you are not burning enough calories and if it is loss than 1800 a day you might end up in trouble. Sitting home, being a couch potato is cool but how will it help getting the perfect body you desire? It won't. So what is the solution? Be more energetic - do yoga, pilates or walk distances. All of this will burn around 300 calories an hour. If we multiply this by two, three or four time it will show a bigger number. But what if it is still not much? Do more! Sky is the limit! Jogging is better than walking. If you jog for a full hour every single day you will lose a pound a week. If we think about it - it is not much, but in combination with exercises and diet it can turn out to be a success. 2. It is a terrible mistake thinking you can ease it up and treat yourself with a dessert when you are following a strict diet. Most people consider that a candy once in a while won't make a difference and it honestly will. It is about your attitude towards the things you do. The type of food we usually reward ourselves with has many calories. Junk food, sweets, chocolate bars, ice-cream so on - they become our guilty-pleasure enemies. If you take your weight loss seriously you might be surprised with how seriously great the result may be. You can create a special schedule and note your achievements in the duel with the caloric food. A little piece of a yummy cake can cost you up to 12 hours of walking distances. So think about it! 3. Don't get caught up in a lie. Most manufacturers know how fragile and sensitive people are about their weight. They try to mark their food as "good for you" and "light" when they want it to sell good. "Fat free" labels nowadays are bombarding the market. But don't let yourself get fooled - fat free products can have a tremendous number of calories just from carbohydrates and sugars contained. If you want to know the " real deal" , check the back side of the tag to see the " serving size" of the piece of food you are about to eat. Sometimes doing math calculations can ruin your day as "fat free" might turn into "making you fat" type of food. If you don't trust yourself to lost weight on your own, go to the nearest drug store and ask about phentermine. Most grown-ups use it as a reliable "hunger fighter" that will leave you with a positive result, causing you the less trouble. Phentermine HCL is good for both - men and women. It is not problematic to lost weight. Most of us make it a problem by doing something wrong and not being able to stop with the things that make us unhealthy and unhappy deep inside. Be active and care about your body - as this is all you need to do at the end of the day

Losing weight without exercises

Many of us are trying to find ways of losing excessive weight fast and without much efforts. This article provides some helpful tips on how to lose weight without exhausting yourself with exercises. Sometimes people start out over big amounts of weight before setting out losing it. This article's intention is to tell people about the different ways in which they can lose excessive weight. Because all of those, struggling with exorbitant weight, want their lives normal back and are annoyed with staring at their reflection in the mirror and not seeing what they want to see. Essentially burning away fat is very easy. There are a lot of living proofs. You should eat 'poor' food. This suggests you have to stay away from foods with a high saturated fat concentration. This is all because the metabolism: the mechanism of fat burning finds it arduous to withstand saturated fat. You also have to drink warm drinks, not the cold ones. Warm drinks are heating up the body, which assists in losing fat. In this case fat is withdrawn in form of sweat. This procedure is best done with a morning cup of coffee on the account of the fact that the caffeine will as well put the body in condition which burns fat. Also remember to have a cold drink occasionally. Of course, this runs counter the aforesaid, but the body also consumes calories, by calefaction of the cold liquid in the body up to its temperature. This will help you in losing your weight as well. In the last instance, you have to sleep for as long as you are able. This is required because while you are sleeping your body is burning calories all the time because it is in a catabolic state. As a consequence the body begins to panic and is trying to find a source of energy that after all turns out to be the fat. So, as a result, fat is being burned away. You can also take phentermine HCL. It will help you reduce the amount of food you eat. It simply works by helping to free some chemicals concentrated in the brain which control your appetite. So, this should also help losing fat. In case you hold onto this you must lose weight at a constant rate.